Trove Health

Access to medical records
shouldn’t be hard.

We make it easy, for everyone.

Get the data you need, when you need it, in a
format you can actually use. All this in real-time.

Better data means better care.

How we do it?

We connect
your data

We are part of eHealth Exchange, CommonWell and CareQuality, allowing us to seamlessly exchange clinical data across the US.
Connecting to us through our ConneXa, allows you to overcome all the hassle to become TEFCA compliant in less than a week.

We organize
your data

Our Trident AI is built ground-up to parse all the CCD data into a structured FHIR format in real-time, allowing healthcare orgs, insurance companies or any digital healthcare soultion to do what they are better at, treating patients

We verify
your identity

Trove offers ID verification for individuals for accessing their clinincal data. By doing so, we allow B2C solutions enhance their support to patients in their care.

Read Trove Health Use Cases

Care Orgs

For care organizations, compliance to TEFCA increases their reimbursement. Trove's ConneXa platform makes care organization compliant. Trove's Trident AI parses all the data coming from the network and structures in standard FHIR R4 format, allowing care orgs imove their outcomes for better care delivery.

Digtial Health

Mulittude of digital health companies use clinical data to help care orgs to improve their health. Trident AI significantly redcues the time it takes to consume all CCDs from a care org and structure them into desirable format at a fraction of a cost, thus improving the care outcomes.

Patient Access

Patient is the owner of their own clinical data. Trove ID veification solution makes it extremely easy for the patients to access their data.

There are countless use cases that can be addressed with this direct access of clinical data with the patient consent.

What to love about Trove?


Instant record retrieval when you need it. Not just data retrival, we convert all the CCDs to one standard FHIR R4 format in real-time!


Once coneected to Trove, there is you get clinical data access from from over 95% of the US healthcare networks in real-time, making it a complete patient record access.

Plug & Play

Our fast and reliable APIs, complete documentation and support allow to quickly start working on your use cases, instead of wasting valuable time in building these necessary soltiuons.


We are connected to eHealth Exchange, CommonWell and CareQuality, allowing us to access clinical data from over 95% of the US healthcare settings.

The simplicity of ConneXa compared other solutions is that, you don't need to worry about building and adhering to all three network's APIs and rules. We just make it simple with one access, which also include our own Enterprise Master Patient Index (EMPI).

Trident AI

Trident AI is one of a kind AI, which does one of the complex tasks in healthcare with ease.

Trident AI consumes CCDs and structures them into a standard format. It is been trained on thousands of different CCDAs and performs with over 98% overall accuracy in parsing the data. This data also includesa structring the human readbale data within a CCD!

Trident AI does all this on the fly and even converts the data into FHIR R4 format for easy consumption.


Visualizing clinical data is not an easy task.

Privacy & security are
our top priority


All users must verify their identity before accessing their records.

Enterprise-grade encryption (E2EE)

We guard the privacy of data both in transit and at rest with encryption, best practices, and external security monitoring.

encryption (E2EE)

We guard the privacy of data both in transit and at rest with encryption, best practices, and external security monitoring.

Fulfilling social potential.

Software developed by Trove Health is
aligned with HITRUST and
SOCII requirements.

We believe access to data shouldn’t be hard, and better data means better care. Our vision is that with the proper authentication, any user can access any healthcare data through any application.

Matt Ross

CEO & Founder

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Trove Health